Income Replacement Benefits: II - Rutgers University Workers’ Compensation Research Collection Skip to main content


The chapter provides information on two types of cash benefits: Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) Benefits and Death Benefits. The information on PPD benefits include the effects of the statutory (nominal) replacement rates and of maximum weekly benefits on the adequacy of PPD benefits (with data on PPD benefits for all states). The discussion of PPD benefits also examines scheduled injuries and nonscheduled injuries. The information of Death Benefits includes the effects of the nominal replacement rates, maximum weekly benefits, and duration limits on the adequacy of Death Benefits (with data on death benefits for all states). The criteria for evaluations include adequacy, equity, and promptness of payment.

  • Cash Benefits

  • Citation:

    C. Arthur Williams and Peters S. Barth, “Income Replacement Benefits: II,” Chapter 9 in Compendium on Workmen’s Compensation (Washington, DC: National Commission on State Workmen’s Compensation Laws, 1973.)